Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri, Proses Otomasyonu, Güç&Enerji Otomasyonu, Fabrika Otomasyonu, Robotik, Proses Enstrümantasyonu,

Anahtar Teslim Projeler, Mühendislik, Elektrik Panoları, Nesnelerin İnterneti-Veri Analizi Çözümleri, Elektrifikasyon, Denizli Tesla Kimya, Enerji,

Çimento & Maden, Su Ve Atık Su, Tesla Kontrol Sistemleri Gıda, Petrol & Gaz, Denizli Otomotiv

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About Us

As Tesla Control Systems, it was established to serve in the field of process control technologies with its 10 years of experience in the sector.

We have won the trust and appreciation of our business partners by successfully completing the projects, which are the first applications of their kind, in a short time.
We build the future together, thanks to our ties with our business partners based on mutual trust and respect.